At PCC, it's all about helping you improve your credit scores and making your life less stressful and more financially rewarding. These goals are realized when we help you build positive credit and eliminate negative inaccurate files on your credit reports. Most lenders and insurance companies use your credit scores to place you in credit ranges to establish how much money you will pay for their products. Higher credit scores turn into higher credit ranges that turn into substantial savings. More specifically, higher credit ranges enable you to qualify for lower interest rates when you purchase a home and buy or lease an automobile. These higher scores should also translate into lower interest rates on credit cards and installment loans. In addition, most insurance products (auto, home, health, life, business) are risk based. Whether your credit is poor, fair, good or very good, there is always room for improvement and the ability to save substantial money. Howard Cutler is the Founder and Managing Member of Perfect Credit Consulting, LLC. A proven financial services executive and credit expert, Mr. Cutler is a former Vice President in the retail bank at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and a former Director in the United States Region at MasterCard. At PCC, Mr. Cutler's mission is to improve clients' credit scores and their quality of life by saving them money!