BVMA is organized as a private, non-governmental, nonprofit corporation under the lawsof the State of Colorado and is pursuant to IRS section 501(c)3, with a primary purposeto educate and empower citizens young and not of Boulder County, others throughoutColorado and beyond.BVMA operates and facilitates the educational access television channel for BoulderCounty in order to both serve and strengthen local communities and provide a variety ofeducational opportunities for all citizens.BVMA seeks to facilitate high quality educational, cultural, arts/music, news, publicaffairs/events, and science/environmental programming for Boulder County citizens.Specifically, BVMA:• Supports accredited educational institutions and non-profit organizations with aneducational mission in all facets of producing quality television programs both in studioand on location• Engages in a full range of fundraising activities with grants, donations, and loans of alltypes organizations, corporate and nonprofit, individual contributors and governmentagencies and others to support these purposes• Identify and collaborate with sources of educational programming and media forBoulder County education purposes• Operate a cablecast station, including scheduling of programming, production andoversight of technical facilities• Promote educational access television through appropriate channel and web basedoutreach and pay added attention to community announcements, activities and events andby exchange with other educational institutions and organizations.For more information on how you or your organization can support BV22 and