Our company is a graphic/music design company that really focuses on the entrepreneur and new small business owners. We will provide services for logo/trademark design, letterheads, business cards, broshures, advertisements, and all the graphic needs. We will also be capable of offering commercial video, Powerpoint, company musical jingles, or anything need to be expressed in a visual or audible way. Mission Statement: At Force Design Productions, we want to help you be a FORCE in your business. We will work with our clients, listen to how the clients see themselves tangibly communicated to achieve further success. FORCE Design Productions…..There's nothing stopping you now! Company Goals and Objectives: FDG will be a healthy, successful company that is a leader in customer service and that has a loyal customer following in two years. I want to be a business "powerhouse", expanding into commercial production and other media needs for business. The company will seek major corporations within or shortly after the first year to form a reputation of being the best in the graphic design industry. We will strive to be top in customer service and satisfaction. Business Philosophy: Customer service will be our top priority in everything we do. We will have the mindset that we are only as good as our last client, so we seek to be the best in everyway, every time.