At the core, Ardor's mission is to help companies take on or boost the journey of digital business transformation. We strive at being an end-to-end strategic and tactical IT partner of our customers. Our empathic approach allows us to listen to our customers and dynamic market trends delivering a competitive edge, powerful experiences and most importantly talented resources. We are also a talent management company focused on helping organizations place/augment the right candidate for the right job at the right cost. We place or augment tactical as well as strategic talented resources for our customers ranging from key technology agnostic resources such as Developers, Testers, and BSAs to strategic resources such as Project Managers, Program Managers, Interim CIOs, Interim CTOs, and Executive Coaches. Our customer-focused talent qualification, acquisition and retention process allows us toThrough our exhaustive research of mid-size and large organizations, we uncovered that the Vision and Strategy of the leadership of most of the organizations is usually not aligned with IT initiatives. IT is often looked at as just as an internal service provider and hence seen as a cost center, expected to run silently in the background. We found out that Business-IT Alignment is missing in most of the organizations. In today's day and age of the competitive marketplace, innovations and the new age of technology IT can be the true enabler of Organization's Growth. Our proprietary methodology enables aligning the Vision of the leadership team with IT. We design and deliver all key elements of the technology roadmap, directly resulting in propelling the growth of the revenue, profitability and expected outcomes, while securing IT infrastructure and data. We provide end-to-end managed services and consulting services for the key initiatives such as Digital Transformation, Application Ecosystem, Stabilized and Secured IT Infrastructure, Communication & Collaboration, and Security.