When the intellectual curiosity has been satiated when there are no more questions to be asked when all the spiritual knowledge cataloged and presented in flowery prose by the learned people has been scanned dissected and assimilated without the person being able to still the tidal waves of his psyche it is then that the mental speculation gives way to the practice of ‘Bhakti. It is then that the intellect surrenders to the divine in a spirit of devotion. It is then that the mans ascent to a spiritual life begins.A person introduces an element of ‘Bhakti in his life with his very first visit to a temple. When he gets there the person does not have to recite any prayers he does not even have to utter a single word for the Lord can see the devotion in his heart. Just showing up with folded hands and devotion in his heart for a Darshan Darshan which requires neither prayer nor commitment but rather is an act of being in His presence an act that submerges the self in a striving for the infinite stills the troubled waves of ones mind. About a visit to the temple the poet says: