Insight 2 IMPACT helps SMBs manage the evolution of their enterprise technology portfolios.Technology is at once becoming more accessible, complicated, and essential for survival - for generating revenue with better services and products, or for reducing costs, or for mitigating and not creating risk.You want technology to differentiate you powerfully in a positive way - not a negative way. Most companies just want to use the best tech and focus on their core business of operations or marketing.What if you could take a high-performing technology department from an existing company and "share" it? What if you could supplement it effectively with your own in-house resources that are dedicated to your particular needs on your timeframes?This synergy of shared capabilities is what Insight 2 IMPACT brings to you. We bring you a cohesive technology capability which may include a portfolio of systems, but more importantly includes the people and processes to ensure those systems are reliable, integrated, flexible, scalable and current. We bring you a team that would be challenging to hire in-house, yet take ownership on a long-term basis so we feel like an extension of your own team.We make the same build or buy decisions and hire or outsource decisions that your own team might make. Consequently, we might not build all our tools ourselves, and we may outsource some roles. However, it is our responsibility to manage that complexity for you transparently: you get greater functionality and lower costs without the the headaches and consumption of precious management attention to make it so.We have made the investments in tooling, training, and best practice processes so you don't have to, and so you can be part of the ecosystem without having to re-invent one of our own.We look forward to meeting you and helping you succeed!