STAY STRONG INTL LTD is a Sporting Goods / Apparel company. The STAY STRONG spirit and mindset lives within each and every one us…Sometimes we have to be at our lowest or darkest point, faced with our biggest fears and challenges, before we find the strength and courage to tackle them head on, showing what we are all truly capable of. No matter if you are amongst the most successful, popular, strongest or wealthiest people out there, at some point, adversity will come and find you. Often when you are least expecting it… Each and every one of us 7 billion plus humans on planet earth will one day have to face this enemy in one guise or another.It's how we deal with these situations and set backs which determines our outcome. We control our own destinies, our own paths and our own futures. It's our own ability to dig deep when things get tough, to push forwards and keep pushing forwards, which defines us and our futures.