Montana Air Cartage Inc is a package/freight delivery company based out of 4300 State Ave, Billings, Montana, United States. Founded in 1989 and incorporated in 1991 Montana Air Cartage originally handled local Air Freight which is why we still use "Air" in the company name. Montana Air Cartage was the first local shipping company to offer same day routes to Bozeman and Sheridan, WY. Over time we've evolved into a pickup and delivery service that now has over 100 employees and 5 terminal locations that have allowed us to expand our local delivery service statewide and into Northern Wyoming, Southern Idaho and Eastern Washington. Montana Air Cartage is not just another freight service, we are a local company solving other local companies' logistical needs and we take pride in the business we do and the people we serve. Please give us a call and let us know how we can help with your shipping needs.