Type/Code designs and builds digital products and experiences. We collaborate with ambitious clients to bring powerful ideas to life. We find clever solutions to hard problems. We love to immerse ourselves in new domains. We strive to make things beautiful, intuitive, functional, and effective. STRATEGYWe help clarify objectives, constraints, and opportunities through domain analysis and user research – informing product roadmaps, content strategies, creative approaches, and technology planning.DESIGNFrom information architecture and iterative wireframing to highly finessed user interface systems, we create digital experiences that are beautiful, intuitive, and functional– and we craft visual identities, infographics, print materials, and motion graphics that are impactful and refined.DEVELOPMENTOften starting with functional prototypes during the design process, our deeply integrated full-stack cross-platform hyphenation-heavy development process brings things to life with clean and scalable code, and iterative product development.