Our mission is dedicated towards program awareness, professional development of students and an overall commitment to further improve and better our community. We organize events for the benefit of the students, in order to bridge the gap between academic and real life experiences.For both new industrial engineering students and graduating students, IISE Concordia is a wonderful place to gain an understanding and a new perspective into the world of Industrial Engineering. It is our goal to initiate great minds into the profession of Industrial Engineering, and be the foundation for tomorrow's engineers.Have any questions? Want to get involved with IISE to help us achieve our goals? Want to stay in the loop with what's going on? Then join our mailing list by sending us an email (marketing.iise@ecaconcordia.ca) or Like us on Facebook (Institute of Systems and Industrial Engineers - IISE Concordia Chapter), Follow us on Instagram @iiseconcordiachapter for more information!