Ibrahim Ladkani

Legal Marketing Specialist - Martindale at Nolo - Pleasanton, California, US

Ibrahim Ladkani's Colleagues at Nolo
Sarah Reasoner

Ad Services Coordinator - Martindale

Contact Sarah Reasoner

Salon Rosa

Payroll Administrator

Contact Salon Rosa

Cassie Jiun

interaction designer

Contact Cassie Jiun

Lauren Cui

Frontend Developer - Martindale

Contact Lauren Cui

Nathan Chang

Frontend Web Developer Intern - Martindale

Contact Nathan Chang

View All Ibrahim Ladkani's Colleagues
Ibrahim Ladkani's Contact Details
(510) 549-1976
Ibrahim Ladkani's Company Details
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Pleasanton, California, US • 129 Employees

Today, over 76% of consumers start their search for legal information or an attorney online.[i] Yet, with all of the resources available, the law can still be hard to understand and intimidating. We strive to make the law accessible to everyone—to help people find answers to everyday legal and business questions. Also, for the 500,000 solo and small law firms in the U.S., the Martindale Legal Marketing Network division provides a cost-effective way to gain exposure and connect with prospective clients who come to our sites for legal information. Consumer Legal Information & Attorney Directory Our network of sites is one of the Internet’s largest libraries of consumer-friendly legal articles–all available for free. Whether consumers are looking for information about their “first DUI” or “chapter 7 bankruptcy,” they can find relevant articles. Nolo’s editorial team delivers complex legal information in simple-to-understand terms. Through either the Nolo.com or Lawyers.com directories, consumers can also research and connect with attorneys in their area who handle their particular kind of legal matter. Do-It-Yourself Products Consumers and small business owners can handle many legal matters themselves with Nolo’s do-it-yourself products, which range from online forms and software to books and eGuides. Our bestselling will software, WillMaker, and our easy-to-use Online LLC form are just a few of our featured products. For more information, visit our store. Attorney Lead Generation & Marketing For many solo and small law firms, marketing isn’t their expertise, and they just don’t have the budget and staff to compete against larger law firms. The Martindale Legal Marketing Network’s comprehensive marketing solution provides smaller law firms with a cost-effective way to gain exposure to our 15 million consumer visitors and to receive real-time leads from among the 100,000 people requesting legal help. Our services include lead generation, professional websites and profiles, and live chat services.

Nolo Prenup Bench Warrant Defamation Adverse Possession Willmaker Premium Reproductive Rights Attoreny Quicken Willmaker Nolo Locust Felony Attorney's Skamania County
Details about Nolo
Frequently Asked Questions about Ibrahim Ladkani
Ibrahim Ladkani currently works for Nolo.
Ibrahim Ladkani's role at Nolo is Legal Marketing Specialist - Martindale.
Ibrahim Ladkani's email address is ***@nolo.com. To view Ibrahim Ladkani's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ibrahim Ladkani works in the SaaS industry.
Ibrahim Ladkani's colleagues at Nolo are Sarah Reasoner, Emily Doskow, Salon Rosa, Mathew Byrne, Cassie Jiun, Lauren Cui, Nathan Chang and others.
Ibrahim Ladkani's phone number is (510) 549-1976
See more information about Ibrahim Ladkani