WE KNOW HOW to help you design and operate safe, environmentally friendly, sustainable, maintainable and profitable oil, gas and petrochemical production and processing facilities.We have over 50 YEARS OF ACCUMULATED KNOWLEDGE in DESIGNING oil and gas production facilities, pipelines, gas plants, refineries and petrochemical plants.We are a team of specialist process engineering consultants, focusing on transient simulation based solutions.We support the EPC companies, FPSO companies, and Oil & Gas Operators to conduct specialized engineering studies.Some of our studies include: 1. Facility wide control analysis2. Compression system surge protection/controls3. Heat exchanger tube rupture analysis4. Instrumented pressure protection system / HIPPS analysis5. Distributed cold blowdown analysis6. Flow Assurance7. Performance monitoring application8. Custom software development9. Operator Training Simulator (OTS) solutionsOur services are used throughout the lifecycle of a facility or asset, FEED, Detailed Design, Commissioning, and Debottlenecking