State Director of Civic Engagement YMCA Alliance of Indiana at Indiana State Alliance of YMCAs - Bloomington, IN, US
VP, Public Policy & Alliance Initiatives ★ Delivered COVID Childcare Relief for Working Families
The Indiana State Alliance of YMCAs (State Alliance) was created to support the great work of Indiana's 44 separately incorporated YMCAs. The State Alliance itself is not a formal entity, as the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis serves as its fiduciary agent, and the YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne serves as its administrative support. We are a grassroots driven and governed organization that focuses on youth development opportunities, funds administration for not only statewide YMCA initiatives, supports local YMCAs in efforts to secure and administer grants for community work, and advocates and educates on behalf of the YMCAs and its mission. Further, the State Alliance initiates, promotes, and sponsors programs that enable YMCAs to provide healthy living and youth development programs to their communities. We diligently monitor legislative and regulatory issues, as well as educate and advocate to policymakers concerning all of the community services YMCAs provide. The Indiana State Alliance of YMCAs serves as a statewide voice, and with that responsibility we strive to uphold the four core YMCA values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.