Living Soul Foundation provides shelter for young mothers in distress, to educate, equip and encourage new life as they return to their communities transformed to lead others to positively impact the next generation.Today, the ever growing situation of young women, who become pregnant out of wedlock, is unfortunately common around the world. These young mothers are often marginalized, denied medical care, and disowned by their families at their time of greatest need. This can and does lead to prostitution, gender violence and loss of infants and young mothers during labor. Further, these young mothers fall victim to unhealthy emotions, unprepared to nurture and support new life into the world facing homelessness, hunger, guilt, shame and deep loneliness. We deliver immediate relief by providing shelter for each mother in distress. We provide interim comfort by loving and encouraging each mother to understand that they are precious and loved. As we educate each mom, providing her with necessary life skills, we hope to see her re-enter her community transformed and prepared to positively impact the next generation.