ProtonVDA was founded in December 2014 to develop a new modality of medical imaging based on the principle that the best way to target cancer with protons is to image the patient with protons.Proton imaging is a method of directly measuring proton stopping power which can drastically reduce the risk of complications by depositing the more effective protons into healthy tissue and promises a complete solution to the range inaccuracies in proton therapy. In addition, proton imaging has significant advantages over X-ray imaging. Proton imaging is able to accurately image metallic implants and can also be generated with a much lower dose to the patient relative to equivalent X-ray images (10 times less than X-Rays).ProtonVDA focuses on transforming the practice of proton therapy with instruments that enable facilities to efficiently and confidently deliver optimal treatments fully realizing the promise of the "Bragg peak".Key Features: High reliability. Practical. Easy to implement in the clinical workflow. User friendly software for pRAD analysis and viewing.ProtonVDA, along with Cosylab and Northwestern Medicine, is now ready to implement the first clinical proton imaging system.