NGNware provides software-based networking solutions that simplify network and data-center operations and maintenance. NGNware specializes in automation solutions and champion at providing tools that help network planners and operators. \\At the heart of NGNware is our deep understanding of the networking and cloud technologies. We are working exclusively in the Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) domain by heavily leveraging Software Defined Networking (SDN). By focusing on these game-changing technologies we help our customers reduce CAPEX and achieve operational efficiency by accelerating new service deployment and deeper understanding of the network traffic.\\NGNgrid provides the entire life cycle management for virtual appliances and rich tools for keeping the network healthy. NGNgrid is an NFV orchestration platform that provides lowered CAPEX and OPEX through building a solid foundation for NFV appliances. \\Our NMS solution MetroPro enable our customers' to configure, manage, and troubleshoot multi-vendor networks from a central location, as well as provide a set of tools for network discovery, visualization, automated provisioning and fault management