Today, the world faces several humanitarian crises whose complexities and severities are constantly on the rise, and even as we foreshadow our inevitable vulnerability to arising global events, the need to garner expertise and conduct research studies dedicated to finding solutions to these humanitarian challenges have never been more pertinent.Along this line of thought, training institutions represent a large resource field that can and should be harnessed to support humanitarian endeavors.However, the absence of such a training and professional institution dedicated to the promotion of humanitarian services and quality capacity building of various developmental programs underpins a significant gap in our comprehensive analysis of the sector as a whole. And no doubt, this represents one major factor militating against social development in Africa, and Nigeria in particular. Objectively, we are talking about a country where consistency cum ethical standard and international humanitarian practices are almost non-existent; where several Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have attempted to address their learning and capacity building needs based on their own interpretation and identified needs, not based on the needs of the masses.This factor is responsible for the poor programmatic cum managerial competence amongst Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) which have contributed to inadequate funding, poor project out-put, poor coordination and inadequate information sharing strategies regarding various activities in the non-profit sector, as highlighted in a foreword contained in the resourceful book, ‘Directory of NGOs/CSOs, 2002' and written by "Dr. Christian Voumard, UNICEF-Nigeria Country Representative".It is imperative to state that in this part of the world, particularly in Nigeria, there is no institution dedicated to the training of non-profit and humanitarian service providers either at the academic or professional level. For example, in the United States of America, there is the University of Connecticut where Humanitarian Service Administration is offered as a course even at the Post Graduate level. There is also the Humanitarian Resource Institute and the Humanitarian University in America; same is applicable in other advanced countries of the world, but regrettably this gap has continued to exist here in our own society prior to the birth of the Institute for Humanitarian Studies & Social Development (IHSD).Some of our people travel from here to the colleges in Galilee or the NGO Management School in Switzerland just to do a short course on NGO Management and related areas.Similarly, in Ghana, there is the Civil Society Institute supported by Open Society Initiative for West Africa amongst other partners; they have been engaged in providing free and competitive training for people in West African Countries on Community Work and NGO Management related program.The above submissions justify the fact that the reason the Institute was established was to address the capacity needs of humanitarian and non-profit service providers in Nigeria as identified by the UNICEF body.