Six months ago, I started imagining the optimal home-cooking experience for someone with limited time and energy to spare (i.e. most of us with demanding life/job responsibilities). If we could reduce as much work as possible in the kitchen while still being able to enjoy fresh, home-cooked meals, what would that look like? Introducing: Artisan. I am thrilled to announce the launch of my newest venture, a meal kit service with delivery in the NYC area. Yes, I know what you're thinking - another meal kit service, really? But allow me to explain. I have tried all of the popular meal kit services and all of them have fallen short of their claims. Unlike other meal kit services, Artisan actually provides prepped ingredients. What does that mean? It means everything we send is fully washed, chopped, seasoned, and marinated. Combining and preparing ingredients allows us to cut back on packaging. Win-win. Our goal of offering a sustainable meal service goes one step further. Unlike most meal kits which are shipped in styrofoam boxes with ice packs, and which spend days in transit, ours are prepared in a local kitchen, on-demand, and delivered on the same day. Fresher ingredients = more delicious meals and a lower carbon footprint.Artisan's meal kits allow you to put away your knives and cutting boards, reducing cooking times by more than half. Our recipes are easy to follow and walk you through just a few simple steps. Perfect for the workaholics, full-time parents, and those otherwise intimidated by cooking!I invite you to check out our website, If you're in our delivery area, I encourage you to try our meal kits or pass along the message to whoever might be interested in more convenient ways to cook at home.