Attorney at Law & FL Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator at Legnaro Akl Law Firm - N/A, N/A, N/A
The Legnaro Akl Law Firm provides effective, dedicated and ethical legal services in the areas of Immigration & Nationality Law, Family Law, Real Estate Law, and Estate Planning within your reach.Collaboratice Law DivorceContested Divorce, Uncontested DivorceChild Custody IssuesEnforcement of Child Support & AlimonyDomestic ViolencePrenuptial & Postnuptial AgreementsAdoptionsNaturalizationFamily Based Adjustment of StatusAsylumEmployment VisaInvestor VisaStudent VisaFiancé(e)s and Spouses of US Citizens VisaVictim of Domestic Violence VisaConsular ProcessingWills and TrustsContractsIncorporationsBusiness TransactionsReal Estate Transactions