Ilaria Mogavero

Event Operations Manager at First Travel Italy - move in style - Rome, Lazio, Italy

Ilaria Mogavero's Contact Details
First Travel Italy - move in style
Ilaria Mogavero's Company Details
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First Travel Italy - move in style

Rome, Lazio, Italy • 8 Employees
Leisure, Travel & Tourism

First Travel Italy é un'azienda specializzata nel settore del trasporto passeggeri, da e per ogni destinazione, in Italia e all'estero, fornendo assistenza fino a quando non si sia assicurata che tutto è stato fatto nel migliore dei modi, proprio come lo fareste voi. Con First Travel Italy puoi disporre del servizio di cui hai bisogno nel momento della effettiva necessità. In semplici parole quello che ci si aspetta da un'azienda di trasporti e logistica.Un team di professionisti seguirà ogni singolo dettaglio delle vostre prenotazioni dando un supporto logistico completo.Perché é il dettaglio che fa la differenza.First Travel Italy is a company focused on passengers transportation to and from any destination in Italy and abroad. First Travel Italy will assist its customers to make sure everything is fine, just like you would do it!With First Travel Italy you can have the service you want when you actually need it, this is what a transportation and logistics company does. A team of specialized and professional people will take care of every single detail of your reservations with a complete logistic support.Because the care of every detail makes the difference.

Details about First Travel Italy - move in style
Frequently Asked Questions about Ilaria Mogavero
Ilaria Mogavero currently works for First Travel Italy - move in style.
Ilaria Mogavero's role at First Travel Italy - move in style is Event Operations Manager.
Ilaria Mogavero's email address is *** To view Ilaria Mogavero's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ilaria Mogavero works in the Leisure, Travel & Tourism industry.
Ilaria Mogavero's colleagues at First Travel Italy - move in style are Riccardo Cantafio, Francesco Mattiazzo, Michela Riggio and others.
Ilaria Mogavero's phone number is +390686974840
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