Proclad Academy is an ISO 9001:2015 certified organisation. We offer CORPORATE & VOCATIONAL training that includes Welding/NDT Certification, H2S, MEM, CompEx, PMI, IOSH & NEBOSH qualifications. Proclad Academy is an accredited training centre by the Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance (HABC), and also received Certificate of Approval from DUCAS & TRAKHEES for the provision of First Aid Training & Certification. Proclad Academy is offering 4-day Major Emergency Management Initial Response (MEMIR) Training, intended is to equip personnel with formal training in command, control, communications and stress-related factors in the management of major emergencies; and 1-day Offshore Installation Manager (OIM) Controlling Emergencies Assessment that introduces and describes the competence statements, safety training and further practice for OIMs controlling emergencies.Proclad Academy is offering highly practical CompEx trainings (Ex Foundation, Ex01–04, Ex05-06, Ex 12 Design) with 5-year JTL Certification for Electrical Installation & Inspection Personnel who undertake the physical installation & assembly of 'Ex' equipment.Welding in all forms is at the core of Proclad Group's success. Our 50-bay welder learning center is one of the largest in the Middle East, offering training in all forms of welding to a wide range of recognised qualifications. Proclad Academy is an AWS Educational Institute Member.