Mind-Diak Agency was established in 1992, its aim is to supply professional and temporary activities, incorporation with and in managing students from universities, colleges and secondary schools. Our essential task is to find the right and the best solution, the potential work opportunity, for university and college students meanwhile their studies giving attention to our clients' demand. Beside their studies they can get work-experience to help to conquer the difficulty of enterring a profession.This employment form has numerous advantages:*In management is more flexible, easily movable, has a great headcount capacity.*The available members' education level is minimally in the middle and meets the requirements of their age including computer and language knowledge.*The administrative engagement of this atypical employment is simpler than the normal employment.*A great amount of discount can be realized in the aspect of the economy and the price of an entrepreneur.*A young, dynamic, precise team helps us, who are doing their work endeavor to find the conformity between the student work-force and the Clients.