ABOUT US: Educational Center Krusevac (ECK) was founded in 1999, and registered in 2001, as non-government, non-political and non-profit organization. The Mission of ECK is promotion and development of civil society, trough lifelong non-formal education and support to active engagement.ECK through its activities is aimed at two areas of priorities:- The implementation of lifelong non formal citizen education in the field of democracy, civil society, human rights, the respect of differences and culture of peace and non-violence,- The support of active youth participation in social life of the community.Website: www.ec.org.rs WE ARE PROUD OF: ECK activities in work with youth are primarily aimed at empowering youth to be active in their community through non-formal education, networking, advocacy and approaching European initiatives. Our goal is to guarantee creative and quality time for youth to spend, by projects in the fields of non-formal education and trainings, creative workshops, international youth projects, voluntary work, etc. COOPERATION at NATIONAL/LOCAL level: On national level, ECK is accredited organization for insurance of quality standards in youth work. Educational Center Krusevac is the member of several national networks: National association of youth workers Serbia, National Youth Council of Serbia, National coalition for decentralization.JOIN US – You can join us and contribute to our activities.