Sales manager at Globtel Solutions LLC - Provider of GPS, Telematics and IoT in Azerbaijan / Azərbaycan. - , ,
Azərbaycanın GPS, Telematik və IoT provayderi. Azərbaycanda GPS, Telematika və IoT sistemlərinin tətbiqi xidmətləri. We present Telematics solutions, Arvento Fleet Management and Vehicle Tracking systems (GPS). And also present Thuraya Satellite solutions.Using of Arvento Fleet Management and Vehicle Tracking services (GPS), you will save your time and expenses, will get convenient and fast access to management of your vehicles and fleet, will raise level of safety precautions and discipline of the personnel.Thuraya mobile satellite communications in over 140 countries around the world, offers to You a congestion-free network that now covers most of the planet, encompassing Asia, Africa, Australia, the Middle East and Europe.