"School Me Now" is a unique website that helps motivated college students pay for their college education by matching scholarship donors with student recipients via online student profiles. Donors are individuals, organizations, or other entities wishing to contribute funds to deserving students for college or vocational school costs.Here is how it works: college accepted students can set up their "School Me Now" profile by answering a set of questions and writing an essay about themselves. A student can also post a video. Once the profile is complete the student can direct donors to his/her your online profile. The good news: "School Me Now" will also be generating donations that will be given out to its members that are not necessarily predicated on grade point average (GPA). A donor can offer a scholarship to anyone of our members and the student will receive it instantly. Best of all, the donation is tax deductible! A donor can choose a single or a monthly donation to meet their funding goal.Our Mission Statement: School Me Now Foundation is a public non-profit public 501 (c) (3) organization seeking to help high school, vocational, and college students market themselves to earn scholarships regardless of their gender, religion, race, GPA, or socioeconomic background. School Me Now Foundation will also seek to fundraise from corporations and other foundations to provide our members with opportunities for more scholarships. Our donors can choose who will receive a scholarship from our members with ease. We will have total transparency and accountability to our donors and the general public. Our overall goal is to help millions of students obtain scholarships to fulfill their financial needs for college tuition along with coaching them on how to receive the desired funds. This is a better option to the burden of taking out student loans, which must be repaid with interest.