SecureCHEK® AI transforms an inefficient, labor-intensive, outdated approach for pre-checking advertising content to meet FDA-mandated regulatory requirements. SecureCHEK® AI is AI-powered software that uses machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) to detect important errors in advertising content over five times faster than manual checking. SecureCHEK® AI also ensures appropriate utilization of human resources, reducing the editorial burden of highly-paid subject matter experts who are tasked with reviewing the materials prior to distribution to the public.For decades, pharmaceutical companies have utilized a manual process to check the accuracy/compliance of drug ads before materials are submitted for internal review by Medical, Legal and Regulatory (MLR) experts. Benchmark research shows that drug companies using manual processes can take months to approve materials which contain a host of preventable errors, creating a process bottleneck. This can impact sales and brand loyalty for prescription medicines as an increasing volume of content is required to satisfy customer demand for personalized, rapid responses to questions about their medications. SecureCHEK® AI enhances client experiences for these platforms through submission of error-free content, saving time and money. The software utilizes sophisticated AI algorithms which continually learn. SecureCHEK is easy to use and can be implemented into existing workflows with no disruption. Pilots underway will be completed Q2'21. SecureCHEK® AI partners are ideally suited for the launch of an AI disruption in the pharmaceutical industry. Ilyssa Levins, CEO, launched and ran three top-10 drug marketing agencies (1990 – 2018). • Gil Henzel, CTO, has a 20-year track record in Enterprise, AI/ML and Cloud Software Development. Michael Levins, COO, founded and managed two multi-million dollar companies.