Imran Shazpi

Sales officer at The Nilgiri Dairy Farm Pvt.Ltd - Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Imran Shazpi's Contact Details
The Nilgiri Dairy Farm Pvt.Ltd
Imran Shazpi's Company Details
The Nilgiri Dairy Farm Pvt.Ltd logo, The Nilgiri Dairy Farm Pvt.Ltd contact details

The Nilgiri Dairy Farm Pvt.Ltd

Bangalore, Karnataka, India • 501 - 1000 Employees

Joy of shopping at NilgirisNilgiris, the visionaries in retailing were amongst the first to venture into retail convenience stores. Nilgiris is a well established brand that is synonym with freshness, quality and fair price amongst the Indian populace for over a 100 years.Designed to meet the needs of the modern Indian house-holds, the stores offer a unique shopping experience. Freshness, Quality and fair price are assured. The stores are stocked with Fresh Fruits & Vegetables, Dry Fruits Staples, Pulses, Spices & Groceries Personal Care Products, Dairy & Dairy Products Bread, Confectionery, Pastries Nigliris has its own ultra modern, hygenic facilities for Diary and Dairy products Bakery & Confectionery Pastries Automated inventory tracking and billing systems take the hassle out of your shopping and speed up the entire process. A Customer never encounters a ‘No Stock' placard. Excellent ERP system is leveraged to ensure adequate stocking at all stores.Nilgiris has partners with several quality conscious suppliers and has excellent systems to source and distribute its products.

Details about The Nilgiri Dairy Farm Pvt.Ltd
Frequently Asked Questions about Imran Shazpi
Imran Shazpi currently works for The Nilgiri Dairy Farm Pvt.Ltd.
Imran Shazpi's role at The Nilgiri Dairy Farm Pvt.Ltd is Sales officer.
Imran Shazpi's email address is *** To view Imran Shazpi's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Imran Shazpi works in the Retail industry.
Imran Shazpi's colleagues at The Nilgiri Dairy Farm Pvt.Ltd are Karthik Thangavel, Kalpana Gunalan, Joseph Ruben, Ashok Kumar, Punith Kumar, Ashalatha Jain, Nipun Sundarka and others.
Imran Shazpi's phone number is ["04224200478","914443572222","04424983995","918023331585","18002100060","919886731442","919367420523","08040900301","919740395822","4224221305","04714200011","1204989000","04442128357","914442802990","08040900302","918040437100","04712555234","2223532266","08667861893","918040437100","09677222182","8025588401","914042603524","9003390023","08040437100"]
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