Since its foundation in 2001, Imtek Cryogenics has developed and manufactured cryogenic test and measurement systems, cryogenic liquid plants, and customer-specific engineering solutions. Imtek Cryogenics offers a wide range of high performance and energy efficient cryogenic products for IVF, Dermatology, Cryotherapy and Animal Husbandry Centers, R&D Laboratories and Clean Rooms.Recently, Imtek Cryogenics expanded R&D activities on the efficiency improvement of the cryoplants to lower the unit cost of LN2. The ultra precision machining laboratory at Imtek Cryogenics houses a range of ultra precision turning and milling machines from leading suppliers. Machined work pieces have been manufactured to micron size and sub-micron geometric tolerances with very low surface roughness (down to Ra=0.010 μm). Examples are optical components and air bearing systems. The metrology laboratory is a high class measuring facility dedicated to perform geometrical measurements with extreme high accuracies. With a focus on 3D-metrology and forms measurements are carried out on high-end standard equipment or own built apparatus.IMTEK Cryogenics with 30-year-experience on the field, has always been an expanding and creative engineering company looking to a bright future.