What is a Poetry Slam?Poetry slams are energetic performance poetry competitions where the emphasis is on the connection between the performer and the audience. Poems are judged on content, delivery, and originality, but that said, the points are not the point, the poetry is!When/Where/What is the London Poetry Slam?The London Poetry Slam is held the third Friday of every month…at the London Music Club at 8pm (except April Finals & a few exceptions) The slam consists of two rounds (1st round up to 12 poets, 2nd round half the number of poets will perform, or half minus one) and a feature performer. There is also an open mic at the beginning for up to 3 performers who would not like to be part of the competition.Five judges randomly selected from the audience will give scores out of 10 with the highest and lowest scores dropped, and the remaining three added together.Audience members are encouraged to be vocal, enthusiastic, and engaged. They're also encouraged to try to influence the judges (who will remain consistent, we hope!) with applause or heckling, but all audience members are always required to show the love!The London Poetry Slam is an all ages event (Note that slams feature mature content & alcohol is served at our venue).