Thermo Scientific ´s Exclusive Sales , Service and distribution point for High tech Lab Instrumentation, in the Spectrometry and Chromatography áreas, in Portugal. Exclusive Distribution and Service support for Milestone Inc. Microwave and Mercury analysers in Portugal. State of the art High Tech laboratory equipment supplier with high customer recommendation rates.Specialised in providing solutions, and services for Chemical Laboratories in several industries.(Pharma,Petrochemichal,Research, QC, Environmental, Feed and food, etc).Specialised in Chromatography (GC-LC) , Elementar Analysis (ICP-ICPMS-IRMS-AA) , Molecular (UV-FTIR-RAMAN and MicroFTIR and Raman) and Mass Spectrometry, Orbitrap Analyser and Sample Prep (Microwave digestion).