DragonDev is a dev shop in every sense that a dev shop should be. We're agile, we're bootstrapped and we have dynamic capabilities. Our specialties include developing and managing software for business intelligence, business optimization and project management. We support our projects and our clients with UI/UX design, graphic design, marketing and communications, and project management. Our developers have experience with numerous technologies and languages including but not limited to: ASP.NET, C#, VB, C+, PHP, Ruby On Rails, Transact SQL, JQuery, JavaScript, SSRS, Crystal Reports and Swift. We can provide a full technical team or we can enhance existing technical teams by providing expertise where needed.We value quality, collaboration, creativity, education and agility, and we make certain these principles drive our work. Our clients are our partners and the primary focus of each project. Sustaining these relationships is our top priority. Our longest standing clients – T-Mobile and PacMoore – have been with us for 18 collective years.HISTORY Dragon Consulting, Inc. was founded in 1998 to introduce technology to small travel-based businesses. Dragon Consulting moved from Waterbury Center, Vermont to Boulder, Colorado in 2000 and began providing technology solutions for multinational wireless telecommunications companies throughout the US. The company has since designed and built end-to-end web based software solutions for businesses of all sizes and in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, telecomm, outdoor and natural foods. In 2013, Dragon Consulting rebranded as DragonDev.