ENN CONSULTANCY INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED is in the field of Offering Professional Consultancy for the "Quality Management Systems". The Services include all the facets of the Quality Management Systems.The Organization is operating from Coimbatore. Professionals, run the Organization with specialist educational qualification in the Quality, Environment, Food safety Management & CE Marking Field and Practical Serving experience in the field, both in Industries and the Consulting field.MERITS OF OUR CONSULTANCY Having a proven track record of 7 years of professional experience in all facets of "Quality Management Systems" & "Environment management System". A Wide Range of client all over the Tamil Nadu and South India including Automobile industries, Engineering industries, Process industries and Service industries. Ours is a practical show-how type of Consultancy, rather than theoretical class- room lecturing. Our visit dates and timings are very flexible and to meet your specific requirements. A team of full time professionals are backing our services, so that we have the wide variety of expertise with us to suit your needs. We can handle all training programs needed to implement the systems. Our focus during the projects, is not mere certification, we are interested in building real, working systems in organizations, which will bring tangible benefits to them. Above all, our urge to prove all the above points in action rather than in words.