Plexus For Youth has been a dream which aims for providing the platform which the youth have lacked from the very beginning. Plexus For Youth team follows a particular mandate! which unites our vision, for a resourceful world. The generation in which we are in is full of talents but they lack one single opportunity that can provide them the light of flourishment. We have seen several amounts of Online Events but we feel and aim to sort out all the failings that we felt in our whole leisure time and realizing the situation of every middle class and lower class family child, who every second cry and seeks hope that one day he will get a chance. We want to get closer to their heart by means of several feasible solutions with low expense from an individual level. We are a forum to ripple up the talents of the youngsters keeping truly knitting with its meaning ‘The network of nerves '. With a firm motto ‘Pursue, Prosper, Propagate', we will make our youth enough credible one day.