Point Black Consult (Pty) Ltd is a Urban Engineering & Wet Services company that specialize in residential and commercial developments.Point Black Consult (Pty) Ltd has twelve years of experience. Managing and working in urban and rural township services and municipal infrastructure. We have relevant experiences in Project Management, Construction Supervision and Services Design - Bulk Earthworks Levels, Final Levels, Road & Road markings, Layerworks, Stormwater, Water and Sewer & Retaining designs for small or medium developments.Detail planning of infrastructure, preparation of design drawings, concluding of Services Reports & Stormwater Management Reports and setting up of the Bill of Quantities including tender adjudication evaluations provided us with the necessary experiences for a winning project.Project Management and Construction Management enable us to manage projects cost effectively and timeously. Managing of the required existing municipal/ other stakeholders services to preparing and receiving approved Wayleave Applications and Water meter Applications.Please e-mail at info@ptbconsult.co.za for any further assistance.