Ira Atiqah

Educator at Score Campus - Singapore, , Singapore

Ira Atiqah's Contact Details
Score Campus
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Score Campus logo, Score Campus contact details

Score Campus

Singapore, , Singapore • 11 - 50 Employees
Education Management

Children want learning to be fun.Children want to make more friends.Children want their opinions to be heard.Score Campus combines these to create a virtual school for students.We do not understand the need to instill fear and negative stress associated with learning today.Score Campus creates the opportunity for everyone to change the way we learn.Let's enable teachers, parents and students to learn together, globally.We're taking learning to the next level.

Details about Score Campus
Frequently Asked Questions about Ira Atiqah
Ira Atiqah currently works for Score Campus.
Ira Atiqah's role at Score Campus is Educator.
Ira Atiqah's email address is *** To view Ira Atiqah's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ira Atiqah works in the E-Learning industry.
Ira Atiqah's phone number is
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