Franchise Consultant - Matching you with a Franchise, for successful Business Ownership at Franchise Innovations For You LLC - Hewlett, New York, United States
We are a resource and an advocate for prospective franchisees. We use the skills that we have amassed over 30. We have been using these hard-earned lessons by sharing our knowledge and abilities with people like you who are seeking entre into business via franchise ownership. Our expertise, our talent is in our ability to become familiar with our client's desires, needs, and abilities in order to match them with a franchise that will be a perfect fit. We have helped future franchisees to sort through the confusing maze of opportunities that can be encountered in their search for the franchise for them. A former executive called us looking to buy a franchise-- he had recently been laid off and his wife's business was failing. We helped them to find the right consulting franchise, which lead them to live a better life.