Irena Dedijer

Senior Sales and Event Manager at Miross (BTA/PCO/DMC/VEO) - Belgrade, , Serbia

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Irena Dedijer's Company Details
Miross (BTA/PCO/DMC/VEO) logo, Miross (BTA/PCO/DMC/VEO) contact details


Belgrade, , Serbia • 30 Employees
Events Services

As a full service PCO/DMC travel agency, we are pleased to offer you our services at favourable prices. MIROSS can also assist you with all or a portion of the service needs for you. MIROSS is one of the oldest and most respected travel agencies companies in Serbia, with offices in Belgrade, Serbia and Podgorica, Montenegro. MIROSS can assist you in providing customized services including: hotel and restaurant reservations; highly professional and qualified conference interpreters for both simultanous and consecutive translation; technical equipment for simultanous translation, audio and video equipment and other technical support for the conference; printing and supply of all sorts of conference material including folders, note pads, pencils, photocopying of the material and identification cards; mailing of the invitations as per instructions of the ordering side; registration desk during the Conference; study tours; rent-a-car services; cocktail parties; reservations and provision of air tickets for all the destinations (local, Europe world-wide); bus and rail travel reservations and provision of tickets (local, Europe); corporate hotel reservations; audio & video presentations presentations with voting system conference organisation with SPOT ME equipment annual conference for international delegate visits to the international fairs and congresses abroad any other services associated to our business.

Details about Miross (BTA/PCO/DMC/VEO)
Frequently Asked Questions about Irena Dedijer
Irena Dedijer currently works for Miross (BTA/PCO/DMC/VEO).
Irena Dedijer's role at Miross (BTA/PCO/DMC/VEO) is Senior Sales and Event Manager.
Irena Dedijer's email address is *** To view Irena Dedijer's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Irena Dedijer works in the Events Services industry.
Irena Dedijer's colleagues at Miross (BTA/PCO/DMC/VEO) are Jovana Djurdjevic, Silva Cvetkovic, Ivan Draskovic, Predrag Milenkovic, Ruska Saletic, Milos Dimitrijevic, Ana Boricic and others.
Irena Dedijer's phone number is +381113033225
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