M3 Research is one of the leading and most experienced market research agencies in the Nordic region. We help companies to gather feedback and opinions from virtually any target audiences and based on insight, experience and innovative thinking we focus on providing high-end quality research and actionable solutions to our clients. We provide our clients with an unsurpassed client experience – powered by high-end quality data collection, top-notch skilled people and a state-of-the-art research platform. M3 Research's highly profiled, broadly recruited, carefully managed Nordic research-only online panels are keeping our clients ahead. Our Nordic proprietary, research-only online panels in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. Winner of the Gazelle price in the Region of Southern Denmark It is with pride and joy that we and our employees have received the price as the Gazelle of the year in the Region of Southern Denmark. During a period of four years, M3 Research A/S is the fastest growing company with a total growth of 1.534 percent measured on the gross profit which means that M3 Research A/S is the 5th fastest growing company in Denmark. Many people have asked us "What is the key to your success?" to which we have reached the conclusion: "The genuine business idea, the perfect timing, hard work, living within one's means, and not to forget our well-qualified and top motivated employees….Besides this, you must also be smiled on by fortune!"