PANAXEA is THE health intelligence company that accelerates patient access to biomedical, med-tech and healthcare innovations by building scientific evidence to inform strategic development, pricing and reimbursement decisions. Our mission is: "Unlocking the value of biomedical, med-tech and healthcare innovations". We mix health economics, health sciences and strategic expertise to provide a range of services that support your company in identifying, building and articulating the clinical, humanistic and economic value of your product or service to inform local, national and international decisions makers. We collaborate with our clients to identify the critical success factors and articulate the added value of their innovations, even at the earliest development stages. We commit to tailor-made solutions to meet our clients' needs along the product and service development pathway.What sets PANAXEA apart from our competitors is our science-based approach and high academic standards that are applied along the entire innovation development pathway. Herewith, we provide you with a competitive advantage from the start. Our client base ranges from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies, and includes patient organizations, healthcare organizations, med-tech and biomedical companies, payers, investors, and (inter-)national (non)-governmental organizations.#HTA #HSR #Evaluation #Costeffectiveness #Innovation #Healthcare #Outcomes #VBHC