Iris Turdkenkopf

Vice President for Academic Affairs at Mount Saint Mary College - Newburgh, New York, US

Iris Turdkenkopf's Contact Details
Harriman,New York,10926,United States
Mount Saint Mary College
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Mount Saint Mary College logo, Mount Saint Mary College contact details

Mount Saint Mary College

Newburgh, New York, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Mount Saint Mary College is a private, four-year liberal arts college in the Mid Hudson Valley region of New York State. Mission Mount Saint Mary College is an independent, coeducational institution committed to providing students with a liberal arts education to prepare them for lives of leadership and service. Through a variety of majors and professional programs, students are also prepared for career entry or graduate and professional studies. Consistent with Judeo-Christian values and the Dominican tradition of education that values the inherent worth of the individual, the mission of Mount Saint Mary College is to create an environment which fosters close student-faculty interaction that enables students to reach their full potential as lifelong learners. Description Mount Saint Mary College offers an affordable liberal arts education with strong academic undergraduate programs and three graduate programs. Our degree programs in business, education, the health professions, media arts and the social sciences are linked to high career growth fields. Mount students excel by completing internships and study abroad experiences that add dimension and value to their education. General Information The Mount accepts applications on a rolling admissions basis, which means you can apply all year round. Come visit our beautiful Hudson Valley campus; there's so much to see and to learn here. The Mount is growing and expanding every year. To reach the Mount's Office of Admissions, call 1-888-YES-MSMC or send an email to

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Frequently Asked Questions about Iris Turdkenkopf
Iris Turdkenkopf currently works for Mount Saint Mary College.
Iris Turdkenkopf's role at Mount Saint Mary College is Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Iris Turdkenkopf's email address is *** To view Iris Turdkenkopf's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Iris Turdkenkopf works in the College/University industry.
Iris Turdkenkopf's colleagues at Mount Saint Mary College are Christopher Rumsey, Ashley Collazo, Christopher Spring, Mark Lewin, Scott Russell, Christina Musacchio, Joseph Dzierzyk and others.
Iris Turdkenkopf's phone number is 845-561-0800
See more information about Iris Turdkenkopf