Isaacymanu isn't only a fashion brand, it's a way of seeing andunderstanding the world.Isaac (28) and Manu (27), are two fashion and graphic designers, whichalso do videoart, art installations, objects, etc.We studied fashion design in IED Madrid and Fine Arts in the Universityof Madrid.In 2007 we moved to Paris, and there we decided to create our ownfashion brand and to develop this project, isaacymanu.The key concept of the brand is the contradiction used to create a balance, a new order, change, transformation, not to occupy a space but to create a new one.Our intention is not to be different, nor to change minds, but to simply think differently.SAACYMANU is parallel to the reality saturated by of the same thoughts and elements repeating again and again until these stop making sense.It has been created from unconscious references, that is, letting our interior thoughtscoming out without limit.It represents a way of being, the attitude of a person who is different but whodoes not feel like that, who only lives according to his own world, his own reality