Client Relationship Manager at SkyRide Technology Company - Waconia, Minnesota, United States
SkyRide Technology has developed the next breakthrough for the future of fitness, sustainable urban transportation and recreation. SRT was created by the founder of Rollerblade, appeared on Shark Tank, and is currently the number one attraction on 3 Carnival Cruise Line Ships. Cruise Hive awarded SkyRide "Best Feature" in Hive's Cruise Ship Awards for 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. SkyRide has set a new record by taking the top spot FOUR consecutive years and is expanding across the globe.After it's massive success on CCL, SRT's mission for 2022 is to introduce this human-powered system that will change the way people move about our planet. SkyRide is safe to use for people of all ages, abilities and special needs and is 100% carbon free.The elevated mono-rail bike and row system with lane changing ability allows riders to move quickly and efficiently around any environment. SkyRide Technology has vast potential applications including tourist attractions, fitness clubs and sports facilities, urban environments, parks and beautiful skylines, retirement communities, special needs centers, mountain resort towns and industrial buildings.The original vision and goal was to create "Future of Fitness," commercial fitness machines that are human-powered, fast and exciting. After extensive of research, development and testing, I am excited for you to see the results of our efforts. Since we started out marketing in late November 2011, SRT has created a world-wide buzz.Currently available are the Recumbent SkyBike, Upright SkyBike, SkyChaser and SkyRower machines. These machines can be customized to meet the requirements of the customer or individual. Each machine is designed to simulate the workout that he or she would get at their local gym. It is safe to say, the boring routine will be replaced by the adrenaline rush of a roller coaster. Working out will never be the same by taking your workout and your fitness to a new level.