Home Grown Green was initially started by three "the cup is half full" kind of people. We wanted to make the world a better place, especially by debunking the idea that change could only come from the big guys. What began as a company investigating personal energy-efficient solutions has now turned into a production team that uses entertainment, and the most motivating factor of all, fun, to promote ecologically-friendly ideas.How do we do this? With every project we embark on, we choose (at least) one theme to encourage "green" behavior. For example, for the "Miniskirts" music video shoot, actors and other personnel were requested to take public transportation to a common meeting point, from where they would be picked up en masse and delivered to the studio. As the video shoot took place in Beijing, a sprawling metropolis with almost four million cars on the road, we thought this was a good issue to tackle. The fantastic news is that some people were empowered by the idea and have incorporated it into their daily lives.