UN Youth Australia is a national youth-led organisation, coordinated entirely by young volunteers aged 18-24. We are dedicated to educating young people about international relations, providing an avenue for the expression of youth opinion and empowering young people to engage with society.Through its eight divisions in each state and territory, UN Youth Australia provides an impressive array of events each year for secondary and tertiary students centred around global affairs. We equip students with the skills and the confidence needed to voice their opinions, and to make positive changes on local, national and global levels. We believe in the value of peer-to-peer education and have been inspiring young students for decades to become engaged with the world around them.To achieve these goals, our passionate volunteers facilitate a number of eventsincluding State Conference, The Evatt Trophy and Voice Competitions, JuniorLeadership Weekend and multiple summits on issues such as climate change.For more information please visit our website: https://unyouth.org.au/