Isabella Schumacher

Aprendiz at Santos Port Authority - Santos, State of São Paulo, Brazil

Isabella Schumacher's Colleagues at Santos Port Authority
Maria Ascariz

Setor de Saneamento Básico

Contact Maria Ascariz

Rafael Silva

Técnico Portuário

Contact Rafael Silva

Evelyn Vallilo

Risk and Internal Controls Advisor

Contact Evelyn Vallilo

Vinicius Dalcheco

Supervisor de Atracação

Contact Vinicius Dalcheco

Robson Kern

Técnico em segurança do trabalho

Contact Robson Kern

View All Isabella Schumacher's Colleagues
Isabella Schumacher's Contact Details
+55 13 3202-6410
Santos,State of São Paulo,Brazil
Santos Port Authority
Isabella Schumacher's Company Details
Santos Port Authority logo, Santos Port Authority contact details

Santos Port Authority

Santos, State of São Paulo, Brazil • 250 Employees

A Autoridade Portuária de Santos é uma empresa pública vinculada à Secretaria Nacional de Portos e Transportes Aquaviários do Ministério da Infraestrutura.Tem como missão desenvolver, administrar e fiscalizar o Porto de Santos, oferecendo serviços e infraestrutura eficientes aos clientes e usuários, bem como apoiar o poder público, o comércio e o desenvolvimento econômico com responsabilidade socioambiental.Localizado a 70 km da grande São Paulo, a região mais industrializada do Hemisfério Sul e o maior mercado consumidor e produtor da América Latina, o complexo portuário de Santos responde pela movimentação de um quarto da balança comercial brasileira.Maior porto da América Latina, Santos é servido diretamente por vários modais de transportes: rodoviário, ferroviário, dutoviário e o marítimo (pelo seu próprio canal de acesso). Santos é o único porto brasileiro atendido por todas as grandes linhas de transporte marítimo regulares.Santos Port Authority is a public company linked to the National Secretariat of Ports and Waterway Transport of the Ministry of Infrastructure.Our mission is to develop, manage and supervise the Port of Santos, offering efficient services and infrastructure to customers and users, as well as supporting public authorities, trade and economic development with social and environmental responsibility.The Santos port complex is located just 70 kilometers from São Paulo, the most industrialized region of the South hemisphere, as well as the largest consumer and producer market of Latin America, accounting for a quarter of the Brazilian trade balance.As a leading port in Latin America, Santos is served by several transportation networks: railway, railroad, pipeline and inland waterways. Santos is the only Brazilian port served by all the shipping liners.

Details about Santos Port Authority
Frequently Asked Questions about Isabella Schumacher
Isabella Schumacher currently works for Santos Port Authority.
Isabella Schumacher's role at Santos Port Authority is Aprendiz.
Isabella Schumacher's email address is *** To view Isabella Schumacher's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Isabella Schumacher works in the industry.
Isabella Schumacher's colleagues at Santos Port Authority are Maria Ascariz, Rafael Silva, Evelyn Vallilo, Fernanda Bartolotto, Vinicius Dalcheco, Carolina Oliveira, Robson Kern and others.
Isabella Schumacher's phone number is +55 13 3202-6410
See more information about Isabella Schumacher