Isabella Stachurski

Administrative Assistant at Ellis Pond - Franklin, TN, US

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Isabella Stachurski's Contact Details
Franklin, Tennessee, United States
Ellis Pond
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Ellis Pond

Franklin, TN, US • 5 - 9 Employees

YOU NEED TO TELL YOUR MONEY MESSAGENOT the message that's about you getting money—trust me, your prospects don't care if you get paid (especially when they're doing the paying)… I'm talking about how your prospects get paid. You want your company to get noticed in the middle of a noisy market? Show your prospects a big ass pile of cash with their name on it. This cash might be in the form of time saved, money saved, disasters avoided, or maybe cash to their bottom line.The point is, finding your company's Money Message and putting it in front of your prospects can be the difference between financial abundance and financial servitude. HOW DO YOU DO THIS?Empathize with your best prospects, get in their shoes, talk with them, and see the world through their eyes. Get deep enough and you'll know exactly how your product can change the world of your best prospects, and when you've nailed that... You've found your Money Message!Once you know what grabs the attention of your best prospects, it's time to integrate that message everywhere... Your product launch copy, email sequences, website, ads, mail, sales funnels, etc.WHO'S GOING TO DO ALL THIS STUFF?That's where Ellis Pond comes in. Our work has generated millions of dollars via email sequences, content marketing, sales funnels, launch copy, and sales pages... Are you next?We help companies with an online presence that's not doing as well as it could be, including:• Media publishers• Software companies• Experts• Podcasters• Authors• Health and wellness gurus• Restaurateurs• Event planners• There's even an attorney in there for good measureLET'S TALKIf your sales are flat... If you want to find your company's Money Message... If you want laser-focused marketing that jump-starts your sales…Go to will tell us what you do and how we can help and will make our conversation much more valuable for you before we get on the phone.

Sales Funnels Strategic Marketing Systems Coaching Consulting Copywriting
Details about Ellis Pond
Frequently Asked Questions about Isabella Stachurski
Isabella Stachurski currently works for Ellis Pond.
Isabella Stachurski's role at Ellis Pond is Administrative Assistant.
Isabella Stachurski's email address is *** To view Isabella Stachurski's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Isabella Stachurski works in the Advertising/Marketing/PR industry.
Isabella Stachurski's colleagues at Ellis Pond are and others.
Isabella Stachurski's phone number is 615-236-6549
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