Committee Director at Penn State Lion Ambassador Student Alumni Corps - State College, PA, US
The Lion Ambassadors are Penn State's Student Alumni Corps who aim to communicate the University's history, personality, and traditions to students, alumni, and anyone with a love for dear old state.Currently, Lion Ambassadors can be seen around campus, often proudly displaying the symbol of the organization, the Pozniak Lion, designed by Raymond Pozniak out of a love for the University. Lion Ambassadors also currently hosts many projects throughout the year including Be a Part From the Start, Guard the Lion Shrine, and the famous student section S-Zone at home football games, as well as give tours to individuals ranging from prospective students to distinguished alumni, all with the purpose to promote a love for Penn State University.Over the years Lion Ambassadors has seen a wide array of individuals leave their mark on the organization. While these former, current, and future Lion Ambassadors hail from a multitude of diverse backgrounds, the tenets that Lion Ambassadors live by, service, tradition, pride, and excellence, as well as the deepest affection for Penn State, have always remained at the forefront of the organization's message.