The Sun Runner was The Journal of the Real Desert, published from January 1995 through 2018 as a regional print and digital magazine. Now, Sun Runner Media (LI won't allow a name change) produces the travel television series, Southwest Stories, as well as the new Southwest Stories digital magazine and podcast.In partnership with Blue Highways Media, Knowledge Tree Films, the Oregon-California Trails Association, the Amargosa Conservancy, and others, Sun Runner Media also engages in humanities grant writing and documentary production. Two short historical documentaries have been shot in 2021 so far, one along the Old Spanish Trail in California and Nevada, the other at and around Wilson's Creek National Battlefield, the Old Wire Road, the Butterfield Overland Trail, and Trail of Tears, in Missouri. A grant funding a television documentary shoot in South Dakota has been received and is being scheduled, and additional grants are under review. Projects are historically and culturally-based with high production values.The third season for Southwest Stories, set for national PBS distribution as well as globally on the Southwest Stories Roku channel, is set to resume post-pandemic production in fall, 2021. Please contact us at for sponsorship and partnering information.