EdVerb is the parent company of two entities-EdVerb Learning and EdVerb Solutions. EdVerb Learning strives to provide knowledge and training to students which can help them solve real world problems. EdVerb Solutions aims to help businesses of all sizes with web deployment, social media marketing and branding.EdVerb Learning- We are an educational organization and a community which is a #ByStudentsForStudents initiative, we specialrize in providing knowledge and training to students, knowledge which will help them think out of the box, training which will help them build solutions to real world problems. We also provide internships+training to students so that they have the valuable training certificate in their arsenal and an internship in their resume at the same time. Our main lecturer Swastik Sharma is the Founder and the Managing Director of EdVerb Learning Pvt. Ltd. as well, he has multiple internships, hackathon victories, project exhibition victories, leetcode victories, all at national and international levels. The internship+training programmes that we offer are designed to be world-class and to cover all the cutting-edge technologies required in the professional industry. The workshops that we conduct are designed to teach all the foundation required for various important engineering concepts, the workshops are on plethora of topics which give a deep insight into the technological world. We recently conducted a workshop with the title "Detecting and Blurring Faces using Computer Vision" for the students of Shree L.R. Tiwari College of Engineering and Technology which proved to be very, very impeccable for the students as we got very positive feedbacks.