Enbala has a single, defining passion – to make the world’s power grids greener and more reliable, efficient and predictable by harnessing the power of distributed energy. We are doing this with a transformative real-time energy-balancing platform that we believe will fundamentally change the utility landscape. The Enbala platform provides a revolutionary, highly flexible approach for creating controllable and dispatchable energy resources. It unobtrusively captures and aggregates available commercial and industrial (C&I) process loads, energy storage and renewable energy sources to form a network of continuously controlled resources. It then intelligently and dynamically optimizes and dispatches these energy resources to respond to the real-time needs of the power system – all without impacting C&I customer operations. To learn more about Enbala's innovative platform and its widespread offerings, do not hesitate to contact Enbala at sales@enbala.com or visit www.enbala.com. Follow us on Twitter @Enbala.